A lot of the UI widgets in Notebooks don’t feel native to OS X; namely, the sort options in the two left columns; the search text field in the upper-right corner; the search results/due tasks window (why are its tabs highlighted so oddly?); and the two left lists themselves.
Notes that are in no notebook are only shown when you de-select all notebooks in the leftmost column. Why isn’t there an “All Notes” item?
Everything just doesn’t feel “right”.
It also advertises WebDAV syncing, but this is handled just by mounting a WebDAV drive and saving to it using OS X’s native WebDAV support, which is fine, but not really what I was expecting. I’m also getting an error mounting my server just now, and that results in two identical, consecutive pop-ups that say “There was an error mounting the server,” with no further help or explanation.
There’s also some flickering when expanding/collapsing the left two columns, and the buttons that do this expanding/collapsing are not intuitive. Clicking the right-pointing arrow in the bottom of the notebooks list pane hides the notes list pane? Very strange.
Overall I love the idea of being able to have what is essentially an Evernote clone, hosted on my own server, with companion iPhone and iPad apps; but Notebooks lacks a *lot* of polish that make using it a prickly experience.
Jay Sit about Notebooks - All Your Documents, Files and Tasks